a Festival of 10-Minute Plays!
NYC Writers Submit!
On a separate page, please have the name of your play, your name and contact information, plus a brief synopsis of your play. Since it is a blind submission, please keep your name off your play itself.
Deadline: Friday, January 24th, 2025 at 11pm.
Submit to: WAGG@hudsonclassicaltheatercompany.org.
W.A.G.G. (Writers-a-Go-Go) was created to promote the works of our contemporary playwrights in New York City. A writer herself, Executive Artistic Director Susane Lee developed W.A.G.G. with the desire to give voice and recognition to our living playwrights. W.A.G.G.'s submission request solicits the finest plays among our emerging and experienced playwrights. Because W.A.G.G. works closely with the playwright, workshops the play, includes the author in rehearsals and discussions with the actors as their play is developed, we specifically solicit playwrights in New York City.
To date, we have had 9 readings of new plays, 3 Valentine's Day Monologue Festivals, and one fully produced play that came out of the W.A.G.G. workshop.